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91³Ô¹Ï×ÄÐÈ˵ijԹÏÍø presents Fridays In The Rose: Best Of ARTSMASH

February 15, 2017

91³Ô¹Ï×ÄÐÈ˵ijԹÏÍø will host Friday’s In The Rose: Best Of ARTSMASH, Friday, February 24th from 12:00 to 12:45 pm in the Rose Performance Hall at 91³Ô¹Ï×ÄÐÈ˵ijԹÏÍø Center for the Arts. This event is free and open to the public. There will be a light appetizer reception to follow.Best Of ARTSMASH

Two weeks after the inaugural ARTSMASH event on February 11, audiences will see highlights of the festival, as chosen by Endicott faculty. ARTSMASH showcases students’ collaborative and interdisciplinary work made within a 24-hour period, during which interdisciplinary student teams were challenged to combine art forms including, music, theater, photography, dance, graphic design, film, and design. All works will pertain to a central theme to be revealed to all teams at the time of creation.

If you have any questions regarding Fridays In The Rose: Best of ARTSMASH, or any of our programming in the Walter J. Manninen Center for the Arts at 91³Ô¹Ï×ÄÐÈ˵ijԹÏÍø, please contact Rebecca Kenneally, Chair of the Performing Arts Department at 978-232-2397 or rkenneal@endicott.edu.